San Diego Catering by Bekker的餐饮


Answers to ease your mind and create the perfect, worry free event!



Prices are printed below each menu and are based on group size. Groups of 40-99 guests have a flat fee for the first 40 guests, and a per person price over 40 guests. Groups of 100 guests or more are priced per person. 请 call if you have special budget needs.

What is the minimum for full service Catering?

Full catering is available for a minimum of 40 guests. 请参阅下面利记app官网首页列出的价格.

What is the minimum for 利记 and Pick Up?

利记 and Pick Up menus are available for a minimum of 50 guests. (点击这里查看价格.)




全套服务餐饮需加收25%-40%的设备和人工费用(因场地而异). 此外,加利福尼亚州要求将销售税加到整个总额中.

What does the Equipment and Labor Charge include?

它包括满足你的全方位服务活动所需的一切:自助餐桌, Buffet 床单 in your choice of colors, 一次性盘子, Plasticware, 餐巾, 玩笑的站, 篮子, Buffet Decorations to fit your theme, 餐饮的车辆, 树冠 to cover serving area if needed, 穿制服的工作人员, 设置, 自助餐服务, 雕刻师, 桌子的排列, 清理, 甚至垃圾清除! (升级如中国服务,客人桌椅,其他活动服务:见 位置设置和服务)

When do I need to finalize the details of my event?

最少宾客人数,利记app官网首页选择,床单颜色,租赁物品应在活动前10天提交. You may increase the guest count up to 24 hours before the event date.



如果用信用卡付款,信用卡商家将向您收取付款金额加上3%的信用卡费. There is no fee for debit cards, ACH, personal checks, or cash. Balance must be paid 10 days before the event date. If paying with check, must clear 10 days before event.


There are two ways to access our secure online payment portal. 您可以从利记的电子邮件签名处点击“点击付款”链接,或者直接从利记的网站上找到 “付款”页面 从利记的 联络利记组.

“付款”页面 点击绿色的“立即支付”按钮. 这将引导您到利记的安全第三方支付提供商,流动支付. 请包括您的发票号码,姓名,账单信息,电子邮件和电话号码. 您可以选择使用信用卡或借记卡在“卡”部分或输入您的银行账户信息直接ACH付款.

一旦付款完成,您将收到一封电子邮件收据,以记录您的记录. Our sales team will apply the payment and email an updated invoice to you.


30 +天 活动日期前:
      Samples are Non-refundable, Plus $500 processing fee.

加: Any other real charges incurred by Bekker的餐饮 on behalf of client (i.e. Samples Fees, Pre Paid 租赁, 娱乐, Staffing, etc.) 是退还的.

8-29天 活动日期前:
      合同金额的50%退款 -最低$500.00)

7天 活动日期前:


利记可以做任何类型的活动! We are the best Company Picnic People, 利记办各种规模的办公室午餐, 利记是婚礼专家-后院和户外婚礼是利记的专长. Country Style Ranch Events at any location, 追悼会或葬礼服务, 生日庆祝活动, 鸡尾酒会, 比如40年代的主题派对, 50's, 60's, 阿罗哈夏威夷节日, 西部烧烤的-最好的-没有酒吧! 利记可以为您提供美味的德国啤酒节,丘比特情人节餐饮,爱尔兰酒吧主题街. 帕特里克节派对,圣诞节或光明节节日派对,以及任何风格的经济活动. 利记专注于优雅的自助餐与美食烤肉熏在利记的定制烧烤坑烟. 一定要检查利记的新加州烹饪特别利记app官网首页为您的下一个周年纪念聚会或毕业或退休! 军人或退伍军人团体将享受利记的晋升和退休自助餐. 举办足球派对? How about a Baseball Game - at Petco Park or in front of your TV? We can cater full service Tailgate parties for hundreds or thousands, or deliver to your home for your friends and family!


几乎任何地方! All of San Diego County is our local area. 河滨县, 奥兰治县, 洛杉矶, Mountain Areas and Desert Areas are available for larger groups. (Distance charges may apply for more than 30 minutes from San Diego, 或者很难进入, 比如楼梯, 或者“无法进入的装载”区域.) 请 call for quote if distance or access is an issue.


We can cater at any location that allows caterers. 这包括公共或私人场所、公园、海滩、娱乐中心、教堂等.


是的, we are fully licensed by the San Diego County Dept. 健康的, and we hold business licenses in all local San Diego area cities, 比如利记, 拉梅萨, 德尔, Vista, 桑提人, 埃尔卡洪和科罗纳多. 利记已全额投保,并可根据需要提供额外的保险声明. Copies of all permits are available at client's request.


是的,利记有很多回头客,他们已经和利记合作超过50年了! 请参阅 奖状, or call for phone numbers or email addresses.


分量充足是利记的标志. 客人可以尽情享用,无论是在酒店内还是在服务期间. 除非事先安排,否则利记不允许客人打包食物带回家.)


If the actual guest count is below the guaranteed count, 利记将为主人打包食物,以填补客人的空缺(如果有安全的储存场所)。. If the actual guest count is correct, 利记将在活动结束时决定是否有食物留给客户, 利记带着容器来做这件事.


We plan to bring at least 10% over your guaranteed count. 如果客人的实际人数超过了您的保证,则收取相同的每人费用.

When do you need to know the number of guests?

利记的计划总是根据您预订时对数量的最佳估计来制定的. The actual minimum guarantee is due 10 days before the event. Additional guests may be added up to 24 hours before the event.


Children ages 3-10 are given 10% discount. 3岁以下儿童免费. Ages 11 and up are counted as adults. 只有在事件发生前10天,最后清点时才需要详细的细目.




是的! We have large charcoal grills that may be set up at any appropriate site. 175美元的烧烤费包括烤架和用品、额外的时间和现场烧烤的额外员工. 香气会让你疯狂!

How are the meats cooked and served?

We are famous for our tender BBQ meats! 利记有一个真正的烤炉,利记的大部分牛肉,鸡肉,猪肉和排骨都是熏制的. Those meats are slow, rotisserie smoked over oak logs for up to 14 hours. 你可能会注意到熏肉有一种特殊的粉红色,这种粉红色只有在真正的德克萨斯烧烤风格下才能达到. We also have marinated, oven roasted meats that are just as delicious! 利记带来烤牛肉,三小费,或上等肋排新鲜从利记的坑雕刻现场为您的客人. Chicken and Ribs may be brought hot and served to your guests from chaffing stands; or brought smoked 从利记的 pit, 然后在利记定制的烤肉机上烧烤,让您的感官充满香气和味道,您将永远不会忘记.


利记所有的烤肉, 比如牛肉, 鸡, 排骨和猪肉, are smoked to perfection in our aged brick pit. 烟会在肉中引起化学反应,使肉呈现轻微的粉红色. Our meats are all smoked for hours and are fully cooked...和美味的!

Can I substitute items or change the menus?

是的! 利记所有的利记app官网首页都建议流行的组合,但只是一个开始的地方. We are very flexible and can vary menus to suit your needs. Any combinations are possible - just ask!

Are there vegetarian, vegan, gluten free and allergen free options?

是的,利记为素食者、纯素食者或对食物敏感的人提供了很多选择. 请 let us know how many guests require an alternative option, and we will include it at no charge. 网站上的所有产品都标有V-Vegan, Veg-Vegetarian和GF-Gluten Free. 请 for questions on additional dietary restrictions.


是的, standard suggested 15% gratuity is included.


这取决于你的团队规模、利记app官网首页选择、地点、所需服务等. It ranges from 2-20 staff members, although average is 3-4.


根据团体规模和所提供的服务,价格包括1至1个半小时. 根据所需工作人员的情况,可按每小时约150美元增加额外时间.

How long does it take at the buffet?



是的,室内或室外都可以! We have the proper equipment to handle any event!

设置需要多长时间? 清理干净?

Depending on the complexity of the event, 利记app官网首页及附加服务, we usually plan 1-2 hours for set up and 1/2-1 hour for clean up. 自助餐的设置和分解已包含在以上的全套服务人工费中. 任何额外购买的服务(如中国服务,香槟服务,蛋糕切割等).)在每项服务的人均价格中包括额外所需的时间.


是的, beverages and bartenders are available : see 饮料利记app官网首页


是的,有很多甜点. We bake homemade Cupcakes, Cobblers, Pies, Cheesecakes, and much more! 看到 甜点利记app官网首页


Most menus are also available for Pick up or 利记, packaged for easy client self service - minimum of 50 guests. 见利记页面 有关详细信息,.


是的, we can arrange tables, chairs, linens, etc. 看到 租赁

你能安排dj吗? 娱乐? 小丑? 游戏? 跳跃?

是的,利记可以为您安排各种类型的专业艺人. 看到 娱乐的想法


是的 - we would love to have you taste our delicious food! 请打电话预约到利记的办公室来品尝令人垂涎的样品. We can plan your entire event while you dine! (可收取最低收费)


是的, 50% deposit is requested at least 2 months before your event. 对于最后一分钟的预订,利记会做出合适的安排. The balance and minimum guest count are due 10 days before your event. Increases may be made up to 24 hours before the event.

How far ahead do I need to book the event?

你一知道就告诉利记! 提前计划很好, 但利记总是会在最后时刻尽利记所能满足您的需求!


We can discuss details over the phone, in person at our office, or 通过电子邮件 -对你来说最容易的!


打电话或发邮件给利记! 餐饮办公室: 619-287-9027.


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